Because of the nature of our wedding, even from the beginning, I never felt comfortable with the black tux idea or the long tail on my dress. So I started the search over several blogs and web pages for pictures and of course, after a quick search I found the great OnceWed :) by that time they had the old site so there was not “groom” gallery, like there’s now (Thank you Emily!!!) The search is sooo much easy now. Of course after I ran into Green Wedding Shoes I also loved all their articles dedicated to grooms.
There are several ideas I really like for a casual groom and here some example pictures: The Vest, Suspenders ( not sure If Mr. Poodle would like it though), The Converse, a Great Hat and of course The Cool looking Socks.

I know most of this pictures have being featured on several sites but I love them! They just don’t get old.
How are you showing your FI your inspiration groom ideas?? Just talk or with pictures?